
Samuel Gregg

Samuel Gregg is research director at the Acton Institute. He writes and speaks regularly on morality and economics. He is the author of many books including, among others, On Ordered Liberty (2003), The Modern Papacy (2009), Wilhelm Röpke's Political Economy (2010), Becoming Europe (2013), and his prize-winning The Commercial Society (2006). He is published in journals such as the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy; Journal of Markets & Morality; Economic Affairs; Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy; Library of Law and Liberty; First Things; Ave...

Samuel Vollenweider

Samuel Vollenweider is a pastor of the Evangelical-Reformed Church of Zurich and a professor at the University of Zurich of New Testament Studies. His studies focus on early Christendom, St. Paul's letters, and early Christian literature. He is the editor of Protestant-Catholic Commentary, Basics of the New Testament, and he is co-editor of the Yearbook for Biblical Theology, New Testament Studies, and Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, among others.

Sandra S. Schneiders

Santa Claus

Sarah Bachelard

Sarah Bachelard is an Anglican priest and theologian. She lives in Canberra in Australia where she has taught in the areas of theology, ethics and spirituality at Charles Sturt University and is an honorary research fellow at the Australian Catholic University. She is currently working as a parish priest and retreat leader. She is a member of the WCCM and was a keynote speaker at the John Main Seminar in Montreal in 2007.

Sarah Stockton

Sarah Stockton is a spiritual director, university teacher, columnist, wife, and mother of two teenagers.


Scott FitzGibbon

Scott FitzGibbon is Graduate of the Harvard Law School (J.D.), where he was an Articles Officer of the Harvard Law Review, and of Oxford University (B.C.L.), where he studied legal philosophy. He is a professor at Boston College Law School, a member of the American Law Institute, and a member of the International Society of Family Law. He is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of the Jurisprudence of the Family and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Academy for the Study of the...

Scott W. Hahn

Scott W. Hahn holds the Fr. Michael Scanlan Chair of Biblical Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenvile, where he's taught since 1990. He is also the Founder and President of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and the author/editor of over forty books, including Kinship by Covenant, The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire, Canon and Biblical Interpretation, Covenant and Communion, The Catholic Bible Dictionary, and The Lamb's Supper. Benjamin Wiker is an author and a senior fellow with the Envoy Institute of Belmont Abbey College, the Discovery...

Sean Pryor

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