Patricia O'Connell Killen
Dr. Patricia O’Connell Killen is professor of American Religious History and Chair of the Department of Religion at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Wash., where she also directs PLU’s recently established Center for Religion, Cultures and Society in the western United States. Before joining the PLU faculty in 1989, she taught at Loyola University of Chicago. Born and raised in western Oregon, she received her B.A. from Gonzaga University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in religious studies from Stanford University.
Patricia Treece
Patrick Fleming
Patrick Fleming, MDiv, MSW, LCSW, CSAT, is a psychotherapist in private practice with his wife, Sue Lauber-Fleming, in St. Louis. He trained extensively with Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., an international expert and researcher in the field of sexual addiction. Fleming has over twenty years of experience providing counseling to individuals, couples, and groups facing a wide variety of psychological problems, including male and female adult victims of childhood sexual abuse, some of these victims of clerical abuse. In the last fifteen years, he has specialized in working with those suffering from...
Patrick J. Brennan
Patrick J. Brennan, was president of the National Center for Evangelization and Pastoral Renewal, headquartered in Chicago, has authored several books, most recently Parishes That Excel.
Patrick Lencioni
Greg Salciccioli is a founder and team coach for Ministry Coaching International. He lives in Bend, Oregon. Patrick Lencioni is the bestselling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Temptations of a CEO, and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. He lives in Lafayette, California.
Patrick Theillier
Dr. Patrick Theillier was for decades the head of medical research in Lourdes, France, and his main duty was to record and authenticate unexplained cures. A GP with 25 years experience and a deep respect for science, Theillier is also a practicing Catholic.
Paul Baard
Paul P. Baard, Ph.D. is a professor of communication and management at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business Administration, has had his work appear in Harvard Business Review, and serves in the leadership of a Protestant church in Manhasset, New York.
Paul Collins
Father Paul Collins is a writer and broadcaster as well as Australia's best-known Catholic priest. A graduate of Harvard University and a Church historian, he is the author of five books and many articles on theology, the papacy, and environmental ethics.
Paul G. Quinnett
Paul G. Quinnett, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and practicing therapist, is Director of Adult Services, Spokane Community Mental Health Center. He is the author of When Self-Help Fails: A Guide to Counseling Services (“Without doubt, one of the most honest, reassuring, nonpaternalistic, and useful ‘self-help’ books ever to appear.” —Booklist) and On Becoming a Health and Human Services Manager: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Counselors.