• 9780824503659
Donald W. Mitchell (Author)

My Dark Nights

Encounters with God

My Dark Nights: Encounters with God was written from the author’s notes taken during his experiences of encounter during two Dark Nights. St. John of the Cross wrote his famous work on “the dark night…

You have sent a kind letter to the Holy Father accompanied by your publication.  His Holiness Pope Francis encourages you to continue giving witness of fraternity through your good works.  He happily bestows upon you his…
  • Imprint: Herder & Herder
  • Imprint: Herder & Herder
  • Imprint: Herder & Herder
  • Imprint: Herder & Herder
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  • Title: My Dark Nights
  • Subtitle: Encounters with God
  • Page Count: 85
  • Available Formats: Mobipocket (9780824503666), Trade-paper (9780824589011), Epub (9780824503659), Cloth (9780824503642)
  • Trim Size: 6 x 9
  • Publication Date: 15/02/2021
  • BISAC 2 : RELIGION / Christian Living/Spiritual Growth
  • Original language: English
  • Retail US: Mobipocket (18.99), Trade-paper (19.95), Epub (18.99), Cloth (49.95)
  • Retail Canada: Mobipocket (), Trade-paper (), Epub (), Cloth ()
  • Retail Canada: 26,95

Donald W. Mitchell (Author)

Donald W. Mitchell is professor emeritus of comparative religions, spirituality, and interreligious dialogue at Purdue University. He is now a permanent visiting professor of spirituality and dialogue at Sophia University Institute, Florence, Italy. He is also the founding editor of Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture. Donald W. Mitchell is professor emeritus of comparative religions, spirituality, and interreligious dialogue at Purdue University. He is now a permanent visiting professor of spirituality and dialogue at Sophia University Institute, Florence, Italy. He is also the founding editor of Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture.

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