• 9780824519865
Henri J.M. Nouwen (Author)

Life of the Beloved

Spiritual Living in a Secular World

An invitation to acknowledge our brokenness and awaken to the abiding love that God has for us, this classic explains the spiritual life in simple terms, avoiding theology and technical language. One of Nouwen’s greatest…

  • Imprint: Crossroad
  • Imprint: Crossroad
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  • Title: Life of the Beloved
  • Subtitle: Spiritual Living in a Secular World
  • Page Count: 160
  • Available Formats: Epub (9780824520632), Trade-paper (9780824519865)
  • Edition: Trade Paper
  • Original language: English
  • Retail US: Epub (19.95), Trade-paper (19.95)
  • Retail Canada: Epub (), Trade-paper ()
  • Retail Canada: 18.95

Henri J.M. Nouwen (Author)

Henri J.M. Nouwen, author of more than 40 books, was considered one of the great spiritual writers of modern times. He taught at the University of Notre Dame, Harvard and Yale, but shared teh alst ten years of his life with people with mental handicaps as pastor of the l'Arche Daybreak community in Toronto, Canada

  1. "A beautiful and sensitive book that reaches out to the believer."
    --Church and Synagogue Library Association
  2. "Gentle and searching. This Crossroad book is a spiritual primer for anyone seeking God."
    --The Other Side
  3. “Nouwen’s prose is refreshingly straightforward and jargon-free . . . For those unfamiliar with his work, this latest volume is a wonderful place to begin. For others who have benefited from Nouwen’s insights, Life of the Beloved will be welcomed as yet another significant achievement.”
    --Circuit Rider
  4. "Anyone who is searching for the Spirit of God in the world today will benefit from reading it."
  5. “What does it mean to live as God’s beloved? In this short book, Henri Nouwen explores this question, describing to an unbelieving friend how embracing our identity as a beloved child of God transforms our lives and the way we make decisions.”
    --Discipleship Journal

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