- Title: God at the Ritz
- Subtitle: Attraction to Infinity
- Page Count: 208
- Available Formats: Cloth (9780824519513), Mobipocket (9780824505547), Epub (9780824505493), Trade-paper ()
- Trim Size: 5.375 x 8.25
- BISAC 2 : RELIGION / Religion & Science
- BISAC 3: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology of Religion
- Retail US: Cloth (19.95), Mobipocket (18.99), Epub (18.99), Trade-paper (18.95)
- Retail Canada: Cloth (), Mobipocket (), Epub (), Trade-paper ()
- Retail Canada: 24,99
- Review 1: "The book has a generous dose of edgy humor; whether he is drawing on Bill Cosby, Monty Python, or a New Yorker cartoon, Albacete isn't afraid to tackle sacred cows. This far-flung and bohemian treatise makes for highly original reading." —Publishers Weeky