• 9781934996607
Dolores Aleixandre Parra (Author)

Exploring Faith with New Eyes

Addressing the crisis of belief in a secular age
  • Imprint: Convivium Press
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  • Title: Exploring Faith with New Eyes
  • Subtitle: Addressing the crisis of belief in a secular age
  • Page Count: 144
  • Available Formats: Trade-paper (9781934996607)
  • Edition: Trade Paper
  • Original language: English
  • Retail US: Trade-paper (26.99)
  • Retail Canada: Trade-paper (36.99)
  • Retail Canada: 36.99

Dolores Aleixandre Parra (Author)

Dolores Aleixandre Parra has doctoral degrees in both Trilingual Biblical Philology and Theology, and has been Professor of Sacred Scripture at the University of Comillas in Madrid. She is an internationally known author and spiritual leader, giving retreats, courses and conferences in several different countries. She has contributed to the insertion and promotion of women in theology, describing herself as a woman of and for the Kingdom rather than a consecrated soul. In recent years she has lived in an intercongregational community in a Caritas Centre for immigrant families, experiencing neighbourliness, hospitality and forming bonds with people in very difficult social and economic situations. Jose Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Papal Gregorian University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1963. He also studied Biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain. He has dedicated his life to Biblical studies and Christology and has done research on the historical Jesus for more than thirty years. His is author of numerous books including the best selling Jesus: An Historical Approximation. Juan Martín Velasco is one of Spain`s leading philosophers of religion and critics of the religious situation in our world. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Phenomenology of Religion at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, as well as in the Faculty of Theology of San Damaso in Madrid. He has taught at the Institute of Religious Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, and at the Comillas Pontifical University and the University of Granada. He was Rector of the Seminary of Madrid (1977-1987) and, for sixteen years, was director of the Institute of Pastoral Theology in Spain. His publications include more than 30 titles and numerous articles and contrib

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