• 9780824598136
Richard J. Pendergast (Author) Valerie Mike (Editor)

Cosmic Hierarchy 1

God’s Plan for the Evolution of the Universe

A private Foundation in cooperation with Herder & Herder Publishers is launching a landmark initiative for the development of a Christian cosmology based on reality as process, to replace the medieval static worldview. The initiative…

Let us arise, then, at last, for the Scripture stirs us up, saying, ‘Now is the hour for us to rise from sleep’ (Rom. 13:11). Let us open our eyes to the deifying light. — The…
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  • Imprint: Crossroad
  • Imprint: Crossroad
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  • Title: Cosmic Hierarchy 1
  • Subtitle: God’s Plan for the Evolution of the Universe
  • Page Count: 298
  • Available Formats: Epub (9780824501976), Hardcover (9780824598136), Paperback (9780824503673)
  • Trim Size: 6 x 9
  • Publication Date: 06/04/2021
  • BISAC 2 : RELIGION / Religion & Science
  • Original language: English
  • Retail US: Epub (19.95), Hardcover (29.95), Paperback (19.95)
  • Retail Canada: Epub (), Hardcover (), Paperback ()
  • Retail Canada: 39,95

Richard J. Pendergast (Author)

Valerie Mike (Editor)

    Reviews to come soon

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