• 9780824522803
Rohr Richard (Author)

Adam’s Return

The Five Promises of Male Initiation

Richard Rohr, a leader in the men’s spirituality movement, shares the key concepts of traditional male initiation, and shepherds readers toward an awakening into a conscious, alert, and mature masculinity. A catalyst for a transforming…

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  • Imprint: Crossroad
  • Imprint: Crossroad
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  • Title: Adam’s Return
  • Subtitle: The Five Promises of Male Initiation
  • Page Count: 224
  • Available Formats: Trade-paper (9780824522803), Mobipocket (9780824524944), Epub (9780824524982)
  • Edition: Trade Paper
  • Original language: English
  • Retail US: Trade-paper (19.95), Mobipocket (18.99), Epub (18.99)
  • Retail Canada: Trade-paper (23.95), Mobipocket (24.99), Epub (24.99)
  • Retail Canada: 23.95

Rohr Richard (Author)

Richard Rohr is a well-known lecturer who founded the Center for Action and Contemplation. He has been a featured essayist on the NPR program This I Believe, was a guest on the radio show Oprah and Friends, and appeared in the documentary ONE, featuring spiritual teachers from around the world. He is a regular contributor to Sojourners and Tikkun magazines, and he is the author of numerous bestselling books, including Adam's Return, The Enneagram, Everything Belongs, and The Naked Now. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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