• Front cover
George W. Rutler (Author)

A Crisis of Saints

The Call to Heroic Faith in an Unheroic World
  • Imprint: Crossroad
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  • Title: A Crisis of Saints
  • Subtitle: The Call to Heroic Faith in an Unheroic World
  • Page Count: 224
  • Available Formats: Trade-paper (9780824525255)
  • Edition: Trade Paper
  • Original language: English
  • Retail US: Trade-paper (19.95)
  • Retail Canada: Trade-paper (21.95)
  • Retail Canada: 21.95

George W. Rutler (Author)

George W. Rutler is best known as the host of a weekly program on EWTN and as the pastor of Our Saviour in Midtown Manhattan, where he lives. A convert from Anglicanism, he has published a number of books on Catholic history and love.

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