Peter Hebblethwaite, London Times Literary Supplement

January 14, 2022

“Philip S. Kaufman’s Why You Can Disagree and Remain a Faithful Catholic is an education in discrimination. With abundant historical examples he shows that not everything that is taught is infallibly taught. There are degrees of teaching, nuances. A Roman Catholic is definitively committed only to that to which the Church has definitively committed herself. The ‘hierarchy of truths’ of which the Second Vatican Council speaks has always to be kept in mind. Dom Philip focuses on three questions: the ban on birth-control, which he says is ‘a non-received’ teaching; the possibility of looking again at divorce and remarriage in the light of the practice of the Orthodox Churches; the need for bishops to be elected according to the practice of the first millennium. Although most Catholic bishops are today appointed by the Pope, this is a very modern development. The classic statement is that of Pope Leo the Great in the fifth century: ‘He who governs all should be elected by all.’ ”

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