Endorsements George

June 5, 2022

“A great little book that confronts the dark dragons that oppress us in these times of passion, with joyful, ironic energy.”   

Antonia Arslan

George: a fascinating contemporary St. George, who with faith, audacity and courageous realism fights against the devious dragon that today threatens all of us.”   

Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America.

“Siobhan Nash-Marshall reminds me of C. S. Lewis. She retells the classic story of Saint George and the Dragon, as Lewis retells the classical myth of Cupid and Psyche in Till We Have Faces, to show us ourselves in a new light. Like Lewis, she uses old stories to teach timeless truths in a new way. With the eye of the true philosopher, she shows that the distance between what is and what I want can be wider than the abyss that separates heaven from hell. This is why the knight, clad in the shining armour of truth, must wield his lance as a champion of what is against the dragon of what I want. This is storytelling at its most depth-delvingly profound.” 

Joseph Pearce


“Siobhan Nash-Marshall has written a charming and beautiful story about a man who discovers, as if by accident, what life is really all about. But there never are just “accidents” in life. There are moments when meaning and truth simply show up and overwhelm us. The result is true peace through the experience of love and the understanding that reality has a meaning that permits us to make sense of our lives.” 

Fr. Gerald E. Murray,  Pastor, Church of the Holy Family, New York, NY

“This little book captures what happens to people who live in unreality, they become sub-human and are more like animals. George is a seeker and one who remembers well. He is happiest when he is in the presence of beautiful music or the real love of a good family. These experiences are reality. He has to make choices.”

Mary Ellen Bork

Press Release Hesse

June 5, 2022


Crossroad Publishing announces the release of Faith and Science: A Journey into God’s Mystical Love. This book introduces a fresh voice into the sometimes polarizing subject of faith and science. Catholic Deacon Robert J. Hesse, Ph.D. offers a unique look into two subjects, which seem counter intuitive. How can these topics come together? In what ways do they meet? Does one take a backseat to the other? The book explores the asymptotic convergence, approaching but not touching, of faith and science over a broad range of disciplines including: physics to creation, chemistry to life, biology to consciousness and psychology to mysticism; all accessible in language non-scientists can understand.

Using his compelling personal story, detailed images and colorful pictures, Hesse leads the reader on a fascinating journey through the universe, which led him back to his religious roots. He shares his pitfalls, side trips, assumptions and questions as he explores and explains scientific theory from the Big Bang to ultimately finding serenity in God’s indwelling presence. He wants you to know, believe and accept God exists in every human, no matter gender, race, creed, ethnicity. Join him on his interesting, questioning, heart-felt quest to experiencing God’s awe in a very personal way.

100% of the author’s royalties are being donated to the non-profit, 501(c)(3), Contemplative Network, formed in 2011 to promote contemplative prayer, interfaith dialog, and scientific research into the healing properties of prayer. For more information, visit www.contemplative.net.  Hesse is available for live or Zoom interviews, presentations and seminars, which can be arranged by contacting:

Jan Masterson

Contemplative Network

P.O. Box 941464

Houston, Texas 77094 U.S.A.



Robert J. Hesse, PhD. is Chairman and Co-founder of Contemplative Network. He is a permanent Catholic deacon of the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese. Hesse is retired Vice Chairman and faculty member of the interfaith Institute for Spirituality and Health. He is adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas and faculty member of the Magis Center and the Spiritual Direction Institute. He teaches a graduate course on faith and science and shares the practice of the Oneness Prayer. Hesse has given numerous international and interfaith presentations, retreats and courses on Faith and Science, having degrees in both. Contact Hesse at rjh@contemplative.net.





Press Release Pendergast

June 5, 2022



June 15, 2022. Releasing e-Editions — In collaboration with a private foundation Herder & Herder Publishers is launching a landmark initiative for the development of a Christian cosmology based on reality as process, to replace the medieval static worldview.

The initiative began last fall 2021, with the publication of the first of six volumes by physicist and theologian Richard J. Pendergast, SJ: THE COSMIC HIERARCHY. God’s Plan for the Evolution of the Universe. This volume offers an introduction to a Christian cosmology, seeking the integration of modern science and divine revelation, with the aim of achieving a meaningful view of the universe.  His May of 2022 the e-editions of both volumes will e released.

Combining notions from science, philosophy, and theology, Pendergast weaves a coherent picture of what we know about reality. He considers the nature of matter, human consciousness, quantum mechanics, biological evolution, and the problem of evil. Addressing both believers and nonbelievers, he aims to offer insight into problems that may disturb the faith of the former or impede the latter’s search for God.

The publication of Pendergast’s six volume Christian Cosmology initiates a much-needed program of evangelization, including education and research, aimed especially at challenging and supporting younger generations.

Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland, STD, president of Donnelly College in Kansas, was offered and has assumed leadership of the initiative.

Bishop Asztrik Várszegi, OSB, archabbot em. of Pannonhalma, Hungary, aided with counsel in the preparations, and continues as its episcopal patron. He was instrumental in presenting the books to Pope Francis through the ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See, asking that the Holy Father support the evangelization initiative by two actions: Issue a formal teaching on evolution and update the teaching on the Eucharist, for which a modern theory is proposed in volume 6.


“I have examined the first and the sixth volume you have graciously sent me and I am happy that Professor Valerie Miké will be able to present them to the Holy Father. I believe this initiative will celebrate the efforts of Fr. Richard J. Pendergast, S.J. (1927-2012), a scientist and man of God, who genuinely and honestly tried to seek the integration of modern science and divine revelation.”

-GIANFRANCO CARDINAL RAVASI, President, Pontifical Council for Culture


“The relation between modern science and a modern Christian theology is one of the most important tasks for today’s theology. Following the inspiring paths of Teilhard de Chardin and working on a high academic level Richard J. Pendergast SJ gives an outstanding example with his significant contributions to this field.”

CHRISTOPH CARDINAL SCHOENBORN, OP, Archbishop of Vienna, Austria


“The call of Benedict in the beginning in Europe is echoed as Richard Pendergast proclaims the light of Christ to the modern world.”


BISHOP ASZTRIK VÁRSZEGI, OSB, Historian, Archabbot Emeritus of

Pannonhalma, Hungary


“These [books] are most impressive and I am delighted to have read them. I hope they do a great deal of good once they are formally published along with the other volumes.”


-MICHAEL J. REISS, Professor of Science Education. UCL Institute of Education, London


“A hundred years ago Teilhard de Chardin had a Christian vision of the world in the light of evolution. Following him, Richard Pendergast began the task of systematic analysis to reflect the vision that he shared, in order to help show the way in humanity’s search for God.”


BISHOP ATTILA MIKLÓSHÁZY, SJ, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology,

Toronto School of Theology


“In our age, science is revealing to us, even more, the true grandeur of God’s design. Writing in the spirit of Pope St. John Paul II’s teaching on science, philosophy, and theology in a common quest for understanding, Richard Pendergast undertook the development of a Christian cosmology based on reality as process, to replace the medieval static worldview. This is the fascinating lifetime work of a Catholic priest-scientist, an original thinker who has opened pathways for generations to follow and explore.


While there may be other approaches, Fr. Pendergast’s desire to synthesize faith and reason, theology and science, to speak in a language intelligible to our technological age, is to be admired and emulated. His work is a must-read for anyone who wishes to evangelize the scientifically literate generations now being formed.”

MSGR. STUART W. SWETLAND, STD, President of Donnelly College, Kansas,

Commentator on religious issues on national radio and television. Academic degrees in theology (Pontifical Lateran University), physics (US Naval Academy), philosophy and economics (Oxford).

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                        Contact: Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland                                                                                                      Email:    SSwetland@donnelly.edu

A Christian Cosmology

June 1, 2022

A Christian Cosmology


June 15, 2022. Releasing e-Editions — In collaboration with a private foundation Herder & Herder Publishers is launching a landmark initiative for the development of a Christian cosmology based on reality as process, to replace the medieval static worldview.