Christopher Ruddy

Christopher Ruddy

Christopher Ruddy is associate professor of systematic theology at The Catholic University of America. He was formerly associate professor of theology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and also taught at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict in Minnesota. A graduate of Yale College and Harvard Divinity School, he received his doctorate in systematic theology from the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of two books, The Local Church: Tillard and the Future of Catholic Ecclesiology and Tested in Every Way: The Catholic Priesthood in Today’s Church. He writes regularly for America and Commonweal, and his articles and reviews have appeared in The Catholic Historical Review, Christian Century, Horizons, Josephinum Journal of heology, Logos, Origins, and Worship. His theological interests include ecclesiology, ecumenism, Vatican II, la nouvelle théologie, and the relationship of Christianity and culture. New York natives, he and his wife, Deborah, have four sons, Peter, Luke, John, and Joseph.

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