Eileen McAvoy Boylen

Eileen McAvoy Boylen

Eileen McAvoy Boylen is a freelance writer and regular contributor to The Boston Globe, her satirical essays on business and her political Op-Ed’s have appeared in both The Globe and The Boston Herald. She has a BS in Education from Bridgewater State College and holds a MBA from the Boston University School of Management, and a MS in Communications from Boston University’s School of Public Communication. She also has a successful communications consulting business writing web copy, marketing materials and e-newsletters for companies in the Boston Area. Eileen recently traveled to Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to conduct research for Six Months To Live, retracing the steps of Artie Boyle and his two friends. She married her husband, George, in 2005. They live in Hull, Massachusetts, with their “first born,” Baldwin, a yellow lab named after the Boston College mascot, because she picked him up at a football game, (or so he tells the story.)

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