Sergio Bastianel

Sergio Bastianel s.j., born in 1944, is currently Ordinary professor of moral theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and also serves as its academic Vice-rector. He spent his early years teaching and lecturing at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of San Luigi in Naples, Italy, and in later years he served as Dean of the Theological Faculty of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Among his publications are: Il carattere specifico della morale cristiana, 1975; Autonomia morale del credente, 1980; La preghiera nella vita morale, 1995 (translated into English: Prayer in Christian Moral Life, 1988); Figure di preghiera nella Bibbia, 2005; Vita morale nella fede in Gesù Cristo, 2005; Le vie del bene, 2009.

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