Jann Aldredge-Clanton is an ordained minister, author, teacher, and chaplain. She currently serves as adjunct professor at Perkins School of Theology and Richland Community College, Dallas, Texas. A native of Louisiana, Jann received the B.A. degree from Louisiana Polytechnic University, the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Texas Christian University, and the M.Div. from Southwestern Theological Seminary. Her lectures include The School of Theology for the Laity, Perkins School of Theology Women’s Week, Texas Christian University Women’s Week, United Methodist Fall University, Baptist Women in Ministry Annual Conference, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Annual Conference, Alliance of Baptists Annual Conference, American Association of Pastoral Counselors Conference, The Hymn Society Annual Conference, and Faith and Feminism/Womanist/Mujerista Annual Conference. Her diverse career includes serving as consultant in the internship programs at Perkins School of Theology and Brite Divinity School; Associate Pastor, St. John’s United Methodist Church, Waco, Texas; Executive Director, Waco Conference of Christians and Jews; Pastoral Counselor, Samaritan Counseling Center of Central Texas; Chaplain, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas; Chaplain, Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center, Waco, Texas; English professor, Dallas Baptist University.
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