Ann Lynch, SSJ, Catholic Library World

January 14, 2022

The Seven Virtues is a starting and a continuing point for the seeker no matter what his/her religious belief. Beginning with the definition that “theology is not so much what we know or think; it’s a way to describe who we are and why we live the way we do,” the author builds upon the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. Part Two explores the natural virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. Part Three looks at choosing life in community and the rituals that express that choice.

From the title, one would assume that the book was intended for those exploring Catholic theology. While this is true, the author, through questions and material on classical and contemporary teachings, brings the reader to a deeper understanding of the virtues that continue to challenge Christians in today’s world Ssating that, “virtue is a way of life. It comes alive for all to see as actual actions take place.” She begins with faith saying, “Faith is built on relationship. It is a choice. We come to know God because God initiates communication. Hope is opening oneself up to believing that all life is good. It is born on struggle. Love is recognizing the divine spark within ourselves that enables us to love as God loves. Prudence is right reason in action. , Justice calls us to a vocation of fellowship and communion with God. Temperance becomes the self-discipline necessary to celebrate all of life as a gift to us from God. Fortitude is the choice to be courageous based on rational thought and personal commitment.”

As she explores life in community, the author notes that a truly human life centers on the divine presence within and around us. A virtuous life is communion with God, family, friends, and the planet and all its living things. “Being virtuous is simply opening the door to a deeper life that unites us with the life around us.”

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