Anthony C. Sciglitano, author

January 4, 2022

The Second Vatican Council famously called upon Christian theologians to read “the signs of the times.” However, as such luminaries as Brad Gregory, Charles Taylor and Cyril O’Regan know well, the signs of modernity are frequently obscure and require careful cryptography.  Hans Urs von Balthasar knows these signs better than most and concerns himself with the ways in which modernity offers sophisticated opposition to a God who is other, transcendent, free, sovereign and law-giving on behalf of radical human autonomy, what he (and others) labels Prometheanism.  Such opposition simultaneously polemicizes against the God of Israel, the God of the Jews and their covenant and so resembles the ancient heresy of Marcionism in a modern key. Sciglitano reads Balthasar’s theology as a contemporary response to the revitalization of Marcionism in modern religious discourse and thus as providing deep support for the primacy of Judaism as Christian dialogue partner advanced by the Second Vatican Council’s Nostra Aetate.

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