Let us arise, then, at last, for the Scripture stirs us up, saying, ‘Now is the hour for us to rise from sleep’ (Rom. 13:11). Let us open our eyes to the deifying light.
“The call of Benedict in the beginning in Europe is echoed as Richard Pendergast proclaims the light of Christ to the modern world.”
Historian, Archabbot Emeritus of Pannonhalma, Hungary
“A hundred years ago Teilhard de Chardin had a Christian vision of the world in the light of evolution. Following him, Richard Pendergast began the task of systematic analysis to reflect the vision that he shared, in order to help show the way in humanity’s search for God.”
Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Toronto School of Theology
“In our age, science is revealing to us, even more, the true grandeur of God’s design. Writing in the spirit of Pope St. John Paul II’s teaching on science, philosophy,and theology in a common quest for understanding, Richard Pendergast undertook the development of a Christian cosmology based on reality as process, to replace the medieval static worldview. This is the fascinating lifetime work of a Catholic priest-scientist, an original thinker who has opened pathways for generations to follow and explore. While there may be other approaches, Fr. Pendergast’s desire to synthesize faith and reason, theology and science, to speak in a language intelligible to our technological age, is to be admired and emulated. His work is a mustread for anyone who wishes to evangelize the scientifically literate generations now being formed.”
President of Donnelly College, Kansas
A native of Budapest, Hungary, Valerie Miké obtained a liberal arts degree at Manhattanville College, worked at Bell Labs in systems engineering, and earned a doctorate in mathematics at the Courant Institute of New York University. She went on to participate in the introduction of mathematical techniques in medicine and pursued graduate studies in ethics and the philosophy of science. She is professor emerita of biostatistics at Weill Medical College of Cornell University and former head of the biostatistics department at the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research.
Her study of ethical issues pertaining to uncertainty in biomedical science and technology led to the notion of an “ethics of evidence”—an approach to uncertainty widely applicable to decision-making in human affairs. She has established the Ethics of Evidence Foundation, with a mission that includes publishing the work of scholars in related fields.
A CHRISTIAN COSMOLOGY In 6 Volumes by Richard Pendergast SJ Edited by Valerie Mike 1 THE COSMIC HIERARCHY God’s Plan for the Evolution of the Universe 2 THE COSMIC HIERARCHY The Universe and Its Many Irreducible Levels 3 A VISION FOR OUR TIMES In the Sadness of the Modern World 4 THE LIVING UNIVERSE An Organic Theory of Mind and Matter 5 CREATION, EVIL AND THE TRINITY A Christian Process Theology 6 THE MASS ON THE WORLD A Modern Theory of Transsubtantiation
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